Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Garden Gnomes continue to be available on special order for the purpose of fund raising to support the illustration work. Inquire via email to:

Well, after a VERY long and arduous task of preparing the e-Storybook, the HDTV format book has been created in a PowerPoint format. Numerous versions were produced, all of which had an assortment of problems that needed correction. It took a long time, between corrections, for me to figure out just how to compress the files to reach a manageable file size. The entire collection in now presented as a Three Volume Set without any audio narration or videos. 

The narration greatly increases the file size, when it is included in the PowerPoint, so the narrated version will be done in Final Cut Studio and be presented as a film. This will be an advantage for inserting videos also. But the narration will be presented as an Audio Book. I expect that to be the next focus of attention, since an audio book can be distributed on it's own. I do want the entire collection to be available in multiple formats before we begin any serious marketing push, because I don't want to deny anyone the choice to have the visual art along with the audio narration. As I write this, I think the Audio Book will need to, at least, be offered simultaneously with the Hard Copy books. With the hard copy books to follow along with the narration, a person can turn the pages themselves, as opposed to the HDTV e-Storybook, where as a film, the pages will turn with the narration. Making this happen via Final Cut Studio will take longer to implement.

Still, the Hard Copy Books will also take some time to release, because there is artwork and illustration panels that need to be completed in the center sections if the collection. 

That artwork primarily pertains to stories contained in "The Gnomic Tales", which are briefly alluded to in "Zach and Zebby's Grand Adventure". Moving forward with that artwork will also advance other stories from The Gnomic Tales. When that happens, I'll all be buried back in the hole writing, which I don't mind, so long as "Zach and Zebby's Grand Adventure" has been released and is providing me with income, so I can just write.

As I often say elsewhere, 
check the 
Facebook pages titled:
Image of the Mind Studios
The Gnomes of New Hope

or the main blog:
or the main page for IMS:

Each of these pages adds to the overall picture, since I post at different times, discussing an assortment of subjects, sometimes the same subject with a different perspective.

More later, AG