Friday, December 13, 2019

Marketing and Distribution

The image above is part of The Industry Review Package. I'm posting it here just to make it interesting and will change it later

I'm beginning this post and have yet to address any of the points involved on this subject. I can say that Volume One; An Introduction to The Gnomes of New Hope is available for purchase. I am setting up links to PayPal to implement purchases both of individual books and reseller quantities. Those links can be found on

For resellers, do not expect a full keystone on any quantity less than a gross and it may even be higher than that. There are different editions of the books and until I have enough orders for 5K books, all production is on demand and hand stitched bindings. The cost of producing the books in this fashion disallows a full keystone. So to make up for that extra cost, those books will be signed. If I build inventory sufficiently to allow that keystone I may offer it. Look for a sales flyer and an order form to appear here and elsewhere.

More later. AG