Friday, December 13, 2019

Marketing and Distribution

The image above is part of The Industry Review Package. I'm posting it here just to make it interesting and will change it later

I'm beginning this post and have yet to address any of the points involved on this subject. I can say that Volume One; An Introduction to The Gnomes of New Hope is available for purchase. I am setting up links to PayPal to implement purchases both of individual books and reseller quantities. Those links can be found on

For resellers, do not expect a full keystone on any quantity less than a gross and it may even be higher than that. There are different editions of the books and until I have enough orders for 5K books, all production is on demand and hand stitched bindings. The cost of producing the books in this fashion disallows a full keystone. So to make up for that extra cost, those books will be signed. If I build inventory sufficiently to allow that keystone I may offer it. Look for a sales flyer and an order form to appear here and elsewhere.

More later. AG

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The e-Storybook

I've been preparing a PowerPoint presentation, more than one actually, for the Gnomes of New Hope. I'm absolutely amazed at how cool that program is. Beingvan occasional filmmaker, it's very akin to making a cinematic presentation. In fact, it rather expands upon that process by including a full range of other mediums into a presentation format that works quite well for what I am doing with the Gnomes project as a whole.

So I have decided to use PowerPoint as the tool to present the e-Storybook. For quite some time, I have struggled with how to present the e-Storybook. The main difficulty being how to release it without making too much of it public before we get the ball really rolling in the production management end of things. Well, I think I have come up with a solution to that problem; a subscription page.

I'll get back to this later. AG

Friday, June 7, 2019

Read-Out-Loud Reading Sessions, Libraries & Bookstores

One of the aspects we are pursuing is Read-Out-Loud Storytelling Sessions. Since The Gnomes of New Hope was designed as a read-out-loud book series, that only makes sense. From a production standpoint, the design of a session is such that optimally, it should include using some of the puppets we are planning on using for a number of our presentations. I am trying to focus (as much as possible with all else that is happening) on constructing the first three puppets: Constable Warren, Zach & Zebby. Now that I write this I think maybe that, since we are doing Garden Gnomes and releasing one garden Gnome with the release of each book in the series, it sounds like a good idea to make certain that we finish one puppet in the same time frame. The only flaw in that idea is that we need the three puppets mentioned to make a reasonable read-out-loud session interesting. We could maybe get away with one puppet, but that doesn't sound too good. Unless... Constable Warren was the storyteller! Then one puppet might work.

Well the point of this post is to address another aspect of the storytelling sessions. As you may already know- we are releasing the first book in a series of seven books. The first book is "An Introduction to The Gnomes of New Hope". The remaining six books tell the story of "Zach & Zebby's Grand Adventure".

The books are being released in two editions The Gnome-sized and The Big People Books. You can see the other posts for information about all that, but...

Sponsorship Proposal
 ... It was suggested that we might find a sponsor for the Storytelling sessions. What exactly that sponsor might pay for is not yet clear. But the main idea is that the sponsor would provide the funding to produce a run of Gnome-sized Books that would be given away to the kids who attended the Story-telling sessions.

I think that is a great idea.

I would be able to, as that was part of the plan anyway, take the second page in of the books and craft a customs page giving the sponsor credit for supporting the reading program, which would make that edition of the books even more special and collectible.

 Here is the first page in the book.

This is the last page in the book
(from the first prototype)

The pages show above represent the design of the pages. The first one has the twine border which was added to the final design. You can see that the second image does not have that twine, but it does in the final edition. So, the back of the first page would look like this second example, only with the twine. The text of the page would be crafted to reflect the information, and graphic desired by the sponsor. It would be crafted so that it is in keeping with the design of the book. If desired, we could have Jency create an Illustration, or if you like, we could use this graphic and replace the text for Gnome Gnog with the sponsor's information. The same goes for the Image of the Mind information, which could be replaced with the sponsor's. Or I might create some variation of this page using other artwork we have.

As I write this and think on the subject, I do think that if a sponsor was willing to provide funding for the books, then maybe we should add the cost of paying someone to supervise and/or conduct the reading sessions, which should include touring that read-out-loud storytelling sessions around. I guess I will craft a budget and an outline for doing that  using Bucks County as a test. If that works, then we can apply that budget on a per-county basis.

There are two options for sponsorship, as I see it now. One is to fund a budget for the Reading Tour. The other is to sell a License for distributing any one of the Ancillary Markets and use that money to fund the Reading Tour. Funding the Reading Tour would essentially be a License for all the reading sessions which may arise. In some circumstances, there may be an income opportunity for the sponsor, selling product at an event, but for the initial Library tour, there would not be any selling. The Gnome-sized Book would be given away and people would be directed to a bookstore if they want to acquire the Big People Book.. In that instance, the Big People Book would be sold by the bookstores, but in the instance where, say there is a museum exhibition of the artwork, etc. combined with a Storytelling session, if the sponsor provides publishing funds for a Gnome-sized Give-away, the sponsor could partake in the profits from selling Big People books on-site. The same could be said of outdoor festivals, given that the sponsor is partaking in the expenses of presentation. All these details need to firmed up in a Production Approach Summary crafted specifically for these venues.

In the mean while, I suppose I need to hop to on getting the puppets finished up.

I have not finished the work on the puppets, primarily because of work on publishing the books, but also, I am trying to come up with the best method of operating the puppets. Marionettes or stick puppets? There are numerous applications for the puppets. Reading Sessions, Concert Presentations, Stage Presentations, the Parade Float, Cinema and Television Production. So I have bee trying to determine what is the most universal design that I can come up with. The size of the puppets is another issue. A Storytelling session, in an intimate setting doesn't need puppets that are as big as the ones needed for the stage and parade presentations, but sculpting numerous sized puppets will be time consuming and costly. So I am looking into 3D printing, which ultimately links to the 3D animation programs we anticipate using. So there's another level of complexity and cost. If I can acquire the scanning technology required to scan our sculpted puppets, then we will be able to size the 3D renderings in the computer for printout, depending on the application. Puppets and figurines of different sizes would be much simpler to make.

Zach has been laid out in the shop waiting for me to work on him.
I'm sure he's bored staring at the ceiling.

So that's a bit of an update. That's all for now. If you would like to become a sponsor, let me know. I will be pursuing that, because I definitely think it is part of our game plan for introducing the product line into the marketplace.


Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Books on Consignment

I've begun scoping out book sellers in the Bucks County region. The second organization I contacted owns two outlets. As it turned out, their modus operandi was only to sell books on consignment. If that wasn't bad enough, the person I was dealing with was, for lack of a better description - a millennial. What that means in this context, is a young person who has yet to have learn the meaning of respect.

Here's my assessment of consignment.

Not only is consignment a total waste of my time, because I'm not in the business of giving books away or spending my resources to stock someone else's shelves, but in this case, this retail outlet had the audacity to demand a percentage cut that gave them twice the profit than any other participant in the project was getting and to do so without discussing the merits if the project.

My experience with retailers who only deal on consignment is that - 1) your product ends up on the back of the shelf, after only a short time, because the seller is not vested 2) in all cases they display their paid-for product inventory in preference 3) they disrepect both you and your product  4) you have to eat the product they damage because they didn't pay for it and they've got-you-over-a- barrel 5) you don't get paid in a timely manner and the effort to monitor the inventory and seek payment ends up wiping out any profit and, in fact, costs you 6) they loose your product 7) you are expected to accept returns 8) you are expected to refresh their old inventory with new product at your expense 9) you end up loosing your product, your time and the value of your product in the selling environment, because they do not put the effort into displaying or selling and consequently your product goes stale.

So consignment is a bad deal all-the-way-around. It reminds me of the way some theatre groups scam actors into working for free, because "it's good for your" (nonexistent) "career"

So I was disappointed at the "consignment" response. But
add to that; the fact that less than a week after I provided a review package, when I contacted the "buyer" for feedback and to pick up the package (if they were not interested) he tells me he threw the package away. Claiming he read the material, which I doubt, because I know how long it takes to consider the material. Before even talking to me, he threw away my presentation? What kind of business person is this? An outrage and an insult! That package cost me between $50 & $75, plus the time and expense to hand deliver the package and personally check in twice, and he presumes he has the right to throw it away before even talking to me. I'm livid. I'm tempted to sue.

I'm also tempted to revel who that was, but I will withhold my wrath. If you communicate with any bookstore who works on a consignment basis, particularly one with two outlets in Bucks County; be forewarned.

I made the mistake of thinking that respect is to be presumed. I will not make that mistake again. It's not worth it to deal with these retail outlets.

I expect to concentrate on the showroom and sales office in my studio. If you are a retailer, of any kind, who has interest in showing or selling any of our product-lines, you will need to reach out to me.

I will not be pounding the bricks. I may, possibly, do it once in order to create an initial contact. If that results in respect, then great. We can move forward.

If it comes even close to what I just experienced, then that retail outlet will be banned for life from acquiring any of my products. So if it becomes extremely successful, you're out.

The only sales efforts I will make is direct, from my showroom, or online.

From now on any of sales effort that services an outlet directly at their location will need to be via sales reps. So if you are a sales rep and want work, let me know.

The disrespect that I just experienced, and that seems to be increasingly with this younger generation, is not acceptable to me. I'm appalled.


Monday, May 13, 2019

Limited Edition, Signed & Numbered Garden Gnomes

This program was sketched out with the idea of it being part of distributing the books. Now that I have had discussions with Book Sellers, I find that this is even more desirable than I thought it would be. So I am crafting the details of the program and preparing the materials needed to implement this. Expect to see me posting more on that subject in the various blogs, both here and on other forums. AG

p.s. see the terra-cotta version of the Constable Warren Garden Gnome by looking on the sidebar of The Gnomes of New Hope blog.

Special Offer to Book Sellers

     As you will see, when looking below at the Order Form, the discount schedule is such that the highest discount comes from buying a quantity of 144 units. Even though the retailer seeks a larger reduction in cost, that simply is not possible without significant quantities, which, I understand, few retailers are willing to buy. I can't change that fact, no matter how much the book seller would like that to be the case. 

     So for the sake of making the lower pricing available to the book seller, I make this offer: At all times, all orders must be prepaid, that is a given, but I am offering the 144 unit price to all book sellers, under the condition that the prepaid order will be published and delivered only when my pending orders reach or exceed 144 units. meaning to say that the thirty day turn around is not in effect.  Delivery of prepaid orders for units under 72 qty will be delivered by parcel post or may be picked up at the studio when the order is ready. 

     Since shipping is extra. Pick-up or delivery must be determined at the time of the order.  I will accept a prepaid order if the order is a pick-up. I will accept paid and unpaid orders, pending shipping calculations, if required, on the condition that no product will be shipped without the shipping being paid first. Under the prepaid condition the option to pick-up can be determined when the product is ready to ship. 

    All unpaid orders are invalid until they are paid. No product will be produced for any unpaid order. On orders pending shipping calculations, the bookseller will be informed when the costs are determined. The shipping schedule will likely cover those costs when it is completed.

    I will post a shipping schedule based on the quantity pricing here shortly.

     Since the unit cost is reduced, I cannot deliver the product personally, unless I happen to be in the area for other business.

    Since I am under the opinion that this project will result in significant book sales as the theatre aspect of it gets up and running and since the publicity for these books includes the marketing and publicity that is needed for the show and films, I consider this to of benefit to the book sellers. It is important to remember that these components are something that is not common to most books being sold and that this is of great advantage. 

     So I am offering this book to Book sellers at a price that accommodates a reasonable profit to all involved. That means; 1) the creator 2) the publisher 3) the manufacturer 4) in-house wholesale operations 5) the distributor 6) the book seller. as you can see the profit needs to be divided six ways and the pricing structure must accommodate those divisions, no matter how much any one given category wants more for themselves. The reality is that the market will only tolerate so much as an MSRP. Therefore the pricing structure shown is calculated on fixed percentages. More profit will only be derived from more sales. It's that simple.

      So the 144 unit price is available to all book sellers, contingent upon elimination of the thirty day turn around and acceptance of the term that the quantity will be delivered only when the composite of orders meets or exceeds the 144 quantity. Of course you will be able to check in to see how that is going at all times and I will issue updates when it is appropriate. With any luck, four book sellers giving me an order of 36 books will achieve that end. In fact, I will sweeten the pot by saying that an order of 36 books will get you a "Constable Warren Garden Gnome" to display with the books. 

      There are terms regarding the Garden Gnomes. We will display the concrete Garden Gnome and take silent bids on the Gnome. When the store selling books reaches an agreed upon milestone, say 1000 books, the highest bidder gets the Signed and Numbered Garden Gnome. The funds from the silent auction of the Garden Gnome are donated to the local library (or library of the bidder's choice) for children's reading programs. When we do donate that money, we will have a read-out-loud session at that library, which may include a puppetry presentation.. Remember that there are seven books in the series and we will be issuing a different Garden Gnome for each book. So we will do this for each new book issued. 

More (and/or updates) Later.  AG

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The Gnomes of New Hope, Illustrated Storybook

Here is the flyer & Order Form for Book One of the Illustrated Storybook Collection

    You  can print these out and use the order form for mail in or email, however PayPal is the preferred payment method, so The Gnomes of New Hope Blog it really the place for online sales. Possibly in the future I will build up this site and use it for the eCommerce related to selling books.

    I hope that we will release the remaining books within a reasonable time frame, but that depends largely upon completing the Illustrations and conforming the books to the publishing layout. Since this blog is rather new and has not been used much, it is best to keep an eye on